Pomona Workers for Justice - "Dining Hall in the Streets" on Cesar Chavez day, 2012.

On March 30, 2012, dining hall workers at Pomona College rallied with community supporters in the spirit of Cesar Chavez. The workers demand labor peace as they organize for better working conditions. After several of their leaders were unfairly terminated, the workers declared that they would continue to serve the students by organizing a banquet in the streets. In a festive celebration that included mariachis, the Latin rock band Quetzal, students, union members, and clergy, Pomona Workers proclaimed that they deserve justice and a better future.

Occupy LA Prayer

This is a prayer shared at the Occupy Los Angeles encampment, just days before the police forcibly removed and arrested everyone who refused to vacate the tent city surrounding City Hall. Samuel Pullen offered this prayer as part of the interfaith vigil organized by CLUE Los Angeles. It is spoken and amplified by the crowd in the style of the "people's mic," which makes for a moving liturgy.

May Day 2011

On May Day 2011, the Center for the Working Poor took to the streets to join the Immigrant Workers march in Los Angeles. We will keep fighting until we achieve immigration reform. QUE VIVA LA CAUSA! SI, SE PUEDE!